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Now for the free report called "The Eight Most Commonly
Asked Questions About Home Weather Stations (And The Answers)". It's a PDF document, so you can right click this link -
8 Weather Station Questions
- for your copy, choose "Save as" from the menu, and send it to your desktop or other appropriate destination. Alternatively, click the link once and you can save it once the document downloads. Either way, it may save you some headscratching in the future.
And even if you don't own a home weather station, andwon't need to know how to fix one, the report stillprovides quite a lot of background information onhow they work. It could come in very handy if youdecide to buy a home weather station in the future.
While you are here, I have a small favour to ask."Watching Weather" has been totally revised, and I am very keen to turn it into something you value and look forward to receiving, as well as something I am proud of.
There are a number of directions it could go, and Icould use some guidance. You can helpme by filling in the form at the bottom of this page with a question or topic you would like to see coveredin the newsletter.
It doesn't have to be on weather stations - just onany aspect of weather from climate change throughextreme weather to weather related gardening ornaments or even the best clothing for belowzero conditions. The field is limitless, andI'm quite happy to follow your lead in developinga quality magazine.
While I will try to answer all questions, I'm reallytrying to run a poll of readers to make sure I don't get too far away from the interests of themajority. You can be sure that the most popularquestions will be answered in the newsletter, and I'lldo my best to answer the rest personally.
Don't strain the brain too much, but if anything comes to mind, I will appreciate your time and effort.
I promise any personal information will never be passedon or sold to any third party, and will be kept fully confidential.
Thanks again for your time and support.
Graham McClung