Here's Where To Download Your Free Report On Weather Emergencies
Thank you for supporting "Watching Weather" Here's the free report I promised you - it's called "Thirteen Things You Must Know To Survive Severe Weather
Emergencies". It's a PDF document, so you can right click this link -
Severe Weather Emergencies
- for your copy, choose "Save as" from the menu, and send it to your desktop or other appropriate destination. Alternatively, click the link once and you can save it once the document downloads, although it's fairly lengthy and could take a while. I hope you never need to use it.
But if you do, you'll find it's organised into chapters
dealing with each type of dangerous weather, or its result, and each chapter is divided into three sections.
The first section concerns advanced preparation for hazardous weather, and the other two are in the form of checklists to be used when severe weather is on its
way, and again when it is close to arriving.
Now you've seen a few issues of "Watching Weather", you
may have a few suggestions about articles for future issues,
or its general format. Or you may have some questions you'd
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If so, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
You'll be helping me to improve both quality and interest.
I promise any personal information will never be passed on or sold to any third party, and will be kept fully confidential.
Thanks again for your time and support.
Graham McClung