More Tornado Resources
A few pages on a website (Tornadoes) may be enough for a general view of what tornadoes are, how they form, and what they're capable of. But it is impossible to do justice to the power and fury of a tornado in such a limited amount of space.
Fortunately there are several other resources which will goa long way towards expanding your knowledge and appreciation of tornadoes - most notably DVDs, Videos and Books, together with a small selection of photos, prints and posters.
The material listed and described below is factual resource materialfor anyone interested in tornadoes. There are also many movies andbooks which are worth considering, although they may be prone tojust a little exaggeration.
DVDs And Videos
Before buying any video or DVD, please make sure that it is ina suitable format for your country, and has been released there.All titles referred to here are available in the USA and Canada.Check the availability of any titles you are interested in at outlets in your own part of the world.
There is a good range of DVDs and videos covering many aspects oftornadoes, from general information to specific storms. Tornadoesalso form part of the material in more general weather and extremeweather sets.
Material from A&E and the History Channel is the most varied,and this applies to most weather topics. Older material mayonly be available on video, while later productions are onDVD or both. It is unlikely that you will find this materialelsewhere.
Among the DVDs and Videos are
- Nature's Fury DVD Set
Wind. Fire. Earth. Water. We know them as the four elements - but they're also some of the most destructive forces on earth. They can erase entire cities, permanently alter landscapes and change lives forever. See what happens when NATURE'S FURY is unleashed! - Super Out Break Tornadoes DVD
Dramatic footage and survivor interviews tell the story of one of the most unusual, devastating natural disasters in modern American history. Also available on VHS - Tornadoes: Nature's Deadly Spirals DVD
From the onslaught of killer twisters in 1936 to the most devastating modern storms, this is a comprehensive look at tornadoes in America. - Tornado Alley DVD
Get swept into the vortex of the most powerful storms on earth and see amazing footage of terrifying twisters. - The Topeka Tornado: Path of Disaster VHS
See extraordinary footage of the deadly storm that reduced much of this Midwestern city to rubble. VHS only. - 1999: The Weather Year from Hell VHS
Was the wild weather that swept the planet in the final year of the century a harbinger of what is to come? VHS only - Tornadoes VHS
Examine the latest advances in the effort to predict the most violent and damaging of all storms. VHS only - Tracking Storms: The Next Frontier DVD
Also available on VHS. Go behind the scenes with scientists from the Severe Storms Lab in Oklahoma.
Unless stated otherwise, the above titles are only available onDVD
Discovery Channel Store
A couple of DVDs can be found here. An interesting one is Planet Storm DVD
, which investigates the question of how storms observed onother planets would appear if let loose on earth. Scary stuff,which also provides good insights into how weather works.
You can find quite a number of Tornado DVDs and Videos at Amazon
, including several I have not seen elsewhere. Things change quickly there and it is always worth a look.
However DVDs and Videos are not really Amazon's strong point, andfor the more common titles, including those from Nova, Imax and National Geographic it will often be worth checking at DVD Empire - see the list below.
Amazon is often very handy for VHS versions of titles which othersonly carry as DVDs, generally at a considerable cost saving.
DVD Empire
DVD Empire also has a good range of tornado DVDs.The ones listed here are at the best price I've seen, butthings change rapidly in the DVD scene. They carry a goodrange of National Geographic products.
- National Geographic: Tornado Intercept, 2006, 52 minutes, DVD One of the latest releases.
- Twisters, 1996, 95 minutes, DVD.Despite it's age, it captures the excitement of tornado chaseswhen the unexpected was all too common. The price is very attractive.
- Nova: Hunt for the Super Twister, 2004, 60 minutes, DVD.On site with the meteorologists rather than the tornado chasers, but there is no shortage of excitement.
- Nova: Weather Gone Wild DVD Set, 1989, 180 minutes, DVD.This three-disc Nova series takes you into the heart of weather's wildest storms -featuring tornadoes, hurricanes and lightning. This is also available as part of the 3 DVD set,
- National Geographic: Forces of Nature, 2004, 40 minutes, DVD. Tornadoes, volcanoes and earthquakes. This is also available as part of the 3 DVD set National Geographic: Restless Earth Collection, 2003, 3 DVDs
- The Weather - BBC, 2003, 230 minutes, DVD, 2 discs. Four part series covering tornadoes in the section on wind. Other parts of this excellent series cover the extremes in heat, cold and rain.
- World Almanac Video's Guide To Extreme Weather, 2003 , DVD or VHS, 148 minutes.Extreme climates, record weather, and your favorite forms of extreme weather.
When it comes to books it's hard to beat Amazon. There's
heaps of books and articles on tornadoes, for all ages, but I think I've picked the best of them and included them in my list
of The Top Ten Tornado Books
You'll find a good variety of tornado related books here, including several
written for children.
Prints, Photos and Posters
Weather is a great subject for artists and photographers, and
tornadoes have attracted their share. Most of the material from the two outlets below can be obtained in a range of
sizes, at varying prices. Keep a look out for specials and
discounts as well. The posters chosen here are described as actual photographs, many taken during tornado chases.
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Last update 05/25/2011